How much is too much, or not enough, when you must discipline your child$%: Spare the rod...or not$%: We all want our children to be on their best behavior, especially when we take them out into the world. But that is hopelessly unreal. Kids act up, act out, and generally are looking for us to approve or disapprove of them, whenever their eyes are open.

When my son was a baby and having his grumpy days, I would take him out in public to get him to snap out of it. And, unless he was sick, the change invariably made him more alert and happy!

Then, the tempestuous two's arrived and it became more a battle of the will than I ever anticipated. The very word "no" was a call to arms and the war would be launched. Every step in the day was a constant battle, from getting dressed (he would insist upon the same favorite shorts, dirty or not) to refusing to wear shoes, all day long until the endless struggle to get him into bed at night.


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By bedtime, I was thoroughly drained and exasperated and could only hope for a decent night's sleep to wake up and start all over again.

Time outs were difficult, unless I stood over him while he sat on his chair. Spanking seemed to create more animosity and angry retributions. Something needed to work...but what$%:

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By this time, I had another baby to add to the confusion and his
overwhelming jealousy. We joined a park group where other mothers with toddlers of various ages met regularly. This camaraderie between parents offered terrific support and parenting advise, while spending "quality" time with our babes. My son's wildness became the benchmark for comparing other challenging kids, as in "he's as difficult, hard-headed, strong-willed, confrontational, boisterous, bullyish, physical, or whatever, as YOUR son."

I smiled and uttered lots of sympathies to other over-taxed moms.

But I was never turned away by these wonderful women, and indeed I owe a great deal of whatever remains of my sanity to them. Networking, support and being able to share with parents is a necessary requirement in the parenting voyage.

I have learned, since joining the mom sorority, that no matter how much you think you know, you can't possibly know much at all.
And, when in doubt, ask someone how they deal with bad behavior. You'll receive as many opinions as people you ask, but that's a good thing. One of those answers may work!

I bumped and struggled, tripped and fell so many times along the path of parenting I hardly remember the person I was BC...before children, that is.

But one thing I have learned, which I can thank my kids for, is that people in general, kids specifically, will treat you the way you treat them... of course, you may have to wait til they've moved away from home and hit 30, but keep the faith! It does come back around.


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