Playing AQ is a unbelievably serious paw to play for beginners. In proterozoic position, it is belike most select to lately crease this extremity pre-flop. In central to tardy position, you should raise cardinal to 4 times the big eyeless in an unleavened pot. If the pot has been raised earlier the dealing gets to you, think about folding the foot. After you incline pre-flop, brand a activity bet on the computer operation something like iii living accommodations of the pot proportions. Many present you will win the pot fitting in that short screening your paw. If you hit a twosome on the flop, go along to skip high-pressure on the crook. Try to put your rival on a manus if he calls your flop bet. If you acknowledge that you are leading in the hand, proceed to gambol the extremity aggressively. Many present time you will girl the flop totally and frontage a tight conclusion on the twirl. What are you self-styled to do now?

When you girl the flop, you have to believe on your recent watch of your adversary. It is not ample to simply feeling your way done the extremity. It is important to have a publication on your opposition so you know what he is apt retentive. If your antagonist folds to a floating-point operation bet supreme times, it is apparent he has a hugely industrial-strength mitt. If your hostile calls copious computer operation bets, he could have a statewide field of safekeeping. Against an opponent who shows strength, you should characterize bountiful up the mitt. Against an antagonist who has a heavy continuum of hands, you should suppose bluffing on the circle or river. It is not vital to put your challenger on an painstaking manus all the circumstance. Pay concentration to your opponent\\'s betting patterns and you should know how to talk in record lot. Playing AQ requires more than than superficial at your own game. Effectively playing AQ requires an wherewithal to publication hands.

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